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Ore mineral atlas / Атлас рудных минералов
Initial discussions regarding the publication of an Ore Mineral Atlas began in 1999. Jason Dunning, then the president of the Mineral Deposits Division and a keen student of ore deposits, thought that there was a need for a simple atlas of ore minerals that would serve as a field reference guide for working geologists and students. Our subsequent years spent in the classroom have reinforced the need for this book. A great debt of thanks is owed to the students who suffered through optical mineralogy labs without this atlas. Our students were fundamental in drawing attention to required contents, in finding mineral specimens, textures or optical properties worthy of photographing, and in some cases researching information on the optical properties or the environment of formation of some minerals.
We would like to acknowledge the invaluable help of the Mineral Deposits Division publications director (Dirk Tempelman-Kluit), and the Steering Committee comprised of Ross Beaty, Bob Cathro, John Jambor, Art Soregaroli, and Dirk. Much of the material contained in this atlas was solicited from the ore-deposits community. Art Soregaroli worked tirelessly to supply us with the final specimens, photos, and thin sections we needed. He dug through the Teck Cominco files for old polished-section pictures, and contacted other collectors for matarial. With Art's help we have photographed more than a hundred specimens.
Danae Voormeij worked with tireless enthusiasm helping to compile data, suggest additions, and truly moved the atlas along in its early stages. Holly Keyes, field assistant at Simon Fraser, contributed some knowledge of desktop publishing, a keen photographic eye, and an interest in ore minerals. Holly generously gave up large portions of her free time to help in the final stages. Peter Adamo, award-winning photographer and Instructional Associate at Brandon University, combined geological and artistic talents to contribute some excellent photographs. Tania Jurca fought her way through the perils of desktop publishing in Quark Express and got the atlas to the stage that we could hand it off to Elizabeth Ambrose, who kindly provided the fi nal layout and finishing touches.
Last, but certainly not least, are the many individuals who contributed samples, thin sections, and photographs. These persons are listed individually with their affiliations in the figure captions. The atlas would not have been possible without these contributions. We are very grateful to Drs Moira Smith and Jim Franklin for their very thorough reviews and excellent suggestions for additions to the text.