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Satellite Geodesy / Спутниковая геодезия

Автор(ы):Зибер Г.
Издание:Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, 2003 г., 612 стр., ISBN: 3-11-017549-5
Satellite Geodesy / Спутниковая геодезия

Methods of satellite geodesy are increasingly used in geodesy, surveying engineering, and related disciplines. In particular, the modern development of precise and operational satellite based positioning and navigation techniques have entered all fields of geosciences and engineering. A growing demand is also evident for fine-structured gravity field models from new and forthcoming satellite missions and for the monitoring of Earth’s rotation in space. For many years I have had the feeling that there is a definite need for a systematic textbook covering the whole subject, including both its foundations and its applications. It is my intention that this book should, at least in part, help to fulfill this requirement. The material presented here is partly based on courses taught at the University of Hannover since 1973 and on guest lectures given abroad. It is my hope that this material can be used at other universities for similar courses. This book is intended to serve as a text for advanced undergraduates and for graduates, mainly in geodesy, surveying engineering, photogrammetry, cartography and geomatics. It is also intended as a source of information for professionals who have an interest in the methods and results of satellite geodesy and who need to acquaint themselves with new developments. In addition, this book is aimed at students, teachers, professionals and scientists from related fields of engineering and geosciences, such as terrestrial and space navigation, hydrography, civil engineering, traffic control, GIS technology, geography, geology, geophysics and oceanography. In line with this objective, the character of the book falls somewhere between that of a textbook and that of a handbook. The background required is an undergraduate level of mathematics and elementary mathematical statistics. Because of rapid and continuous developments in this field, it has been necessary to be selective, and to give greater weight to some topics than to others. Particular importance has been attached to the fundamentals and to the applications, especially to the use of artificial satellites for the determination of precise positions. A comprehensive list of references has been added for further reading to facilitate deeper and advanced studies. The first edition of this book was published in 1993 as an English translation and update of the book “Satellitengeodäsie”, that was printed in the German language in 1989. The present edition has been completely revised and significantly extended. The fundamental structure of the first edition has been maintained to facilitate continuity of teaching; however, outdated material has been removed and new material has been included. All chapters have been updated and some have been re-written. The overall status is autumn 2002 but some of the most recent technological developments to March 2003 have been included.

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