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Fundamentals of geophysics / Основы геофизики

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Lowrie W.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007 г., 384 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-85902-8
Fundamentals of geophysics / Основы геофизики

In the ten years that have passed since the publication of the first edition of this textbook exciting advances have taken place in every discipline of geophysics. Computer-based improvements in technology have led the way, allowing more sophistication in the acquisition and processing of geophysical data. Advances in mass spectrometry have made it possible to analyze minute samples of matter in exquisite detail and have contributed to an improved understanding of the origin of our planet and the evolution of the solar system. Space research has led to better

knowledge of the other planets in the solar system, and has revealed distant objects in orbit around the Sun, at least one of which may be a tenth planet. Satellite-based technology has provided more refined measurement of the gravity and magnetic fields of the Earth, and has enabled direct observation from space of minute surface changes related to volcanic and tectonic events. The structure, composition and dynamic behavior of the deep interior of the Earth have become better understood owing to refinements in seismic tomography. Fast computers and sophisticated algorithms have allowed scientists to construct plausible models of slow geodynamic behavior in the Earth’s mantle and core, and to elucidate the processes giving rise to the Earth’s magnetic field. The application of advanced computer analysis in high-resolution seismic reflection and ground-penetrating radar investigations has

made it possible to describe subtle features of environmental interest in nearsurface structures. Rock magnetic techniques applied to sediments have helped us to understand slow natural processes as well as more rapid anthropological changes that affect our environment, and to evaluate climates in the distant geological past. Climatic history in the more recent past can now be deduced from the analysis of temperature in boreholes. Although the many advances in geophysical research depend strongly on the aid of computer science, the fundamental principles of geophysical methods remain the same; they constitute the foundation on which progress is based. In revising this

textbook, I have heeded the advice of teachers who have used it and who recommended that I change as little as possible and only as much as necessary (to paraphrase medical advice on the use of medication). The reviews of the first edition, the feedback from numerous students and teachers, and the advice of friends and colleagues helped me greatly in deciding what to do. 

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