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Uranium extraction technology / Технология добычи урана
In 1983 the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) and the IAEA jointly published a book on Uranium Extraction Technology. A primary objective of this report was to document the significant technological developments that took place during the 1970s. The purpose of this present publication is to update and expand the original book. It includes background information about the principles of the unit operations used in uranium ore processing and summarizes the current state of the art. The publication also seeks to preserve the technology and the operating 'know-how' developed over the past ten years. Relatively little of this experience has been documented in recent years because technical personnel have moved to other industries as mines and mills have closed down throughout the world. Extensive references provide sources for specific technological details. This publication is one of a series of Technical Reports on uranium ore processing that have been prepared by the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management at the IAEA. A complete list of these reports is included as an addendum.
The IAEA wishes to thank the consultants and their associates who took part in the preparation of this publication. It is primarily the work of a consultants group consisting of the following members: G.M. Ritcey (Gordon M. Ritcey and Associates, Canada), R.J. Ring (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia), M. Roche (Compagnie gen6rale des matieres nucl6aires, France) and S. Ajuria (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Mexico). Components of several chapters were provided by other contributors. The IAEA is also grateful to the Member States and individual organizations for their generous support in providing experts to assist in this work. The IAEA officer responsible for this work was D.C. Seidel of the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management. Mr. Seidel also participated as a technical expert and contributing author. <...>