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Dixieme congres international de stratigraphie et de geologie du carbonifere. Volume 2 / Десятый Международный конгресс стратиграфии и геологии каменноугольного периода. Том 2

Том 2
Редактор(ы):Escobedo J.F., Granados L.F., Melendez B., Pignatelli R., Rey R., Wagner R.H.
Издание:Madrid, 1983 г., 500 стр.
Dixieme congres international de stratigraphie et de geologie du carbonifere. Volume 2 / Десятый Международный конгресс стратиграфии и геологии каменноугольного периода. Том 2

R. DREESEN, J. BOUCKAERT, M. DUSART, P. SOILLE, N. VANDENBERGHE. Collap-se structures at the dinantiau-silesiau contact in the subsurface of the Carnpine Basin, N of the Brabant Massif (N-Belgium)     
HANS-ADOLF HEDEMANN.—Das Nordwestdeutsche oberkarbonbecken, sein erdgas und seine kohiefloze    
ZHANG AIYUN.—The geochemistry of vanadium in the marine black rock sequence of Yangjiabao     
F. FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO, M. GERVILLA.—Investigacion geoldgica para mineria de interior en un yacimiento en explotacion     
C. ALVAREZ, J. E. AZCARATE, S. RIOS.—Variabilidad geonumerica у espacial de capas Westfalienses de carbon en la cuenca del Guadiato (Cordoba)
DIRECCION RECURSOS MINERALES DEL I.G.M.E.—Actualizacion del Inventario de Re-cursos Nacionales de Carbon     
DONALD C. HANEY, JAMES C. COBB, DONALD R. CHESNUT, JAMES C. CURRENS. Structural controls on environments of deposition, coal quality, and resources in the Appalachian Basin in Kentucky     
R. M. BUSTJN, W. S. STYAN, L. E. LOWE.—Variability of sulphur and ash in humid-temperate peats of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia     
RICARDO ARTEAGA RODRIGUEZ.—Investigaciones de carbon realizadas por el Instituto Geoldgico у Minero de Espana, dentro del Plan Energetico Nacional     
RICARDO ARTEAGA RODRIGUEZ, MIGUEL ANGEL ZAPATERO RODRIGUEZ.— Estudios de las posibilidades de explotacion a cielo abierto en Torre-Bembibre.
MIGUEL ANGEL ZAPATERO RODRIGUEZ.—Sintesis de la investigacion geologico-mine-ra realizada por el I.G.M.E. en El Bierzo            
C. ALVAREZ-RAMIS, R. GERMER, J. DOUBINGER.— Les Pecopteridees de Valdemazue-na (Bassin de Villablino, Leon, Espagne)     
J. P. LAVEINE, C. BROUSMICHE.—Observation d’un fragment de tronc probablement de Neuropteris au toit de la veine San Juan, carriere Abeduriu, bassin des Asturies.
SOPHIE BECKARY, JEAN-PIERRE LAVEINE.—Decouverte du genre Medullosa cotta dans le Carbonif'ere du NW de I’Espagne, province de Leon     
P. C. LYONS, P. G. HATCHER, F. W. BROWN, C. L. THOMPSON, M. A. MILLAY.— Coalification of organic matter in a coal ball from the Calhoun coal bed (Upper Pennsylvanian), Illinois Basin, United States of America     
J. DOUBINGER, P. VETTER.—La flore de VAssise de Rive de Gier (bassin de St-Etienne, France)     
C. ALVAREZ RAMIS, J. DOUBINGER, T. FERNANDEZ MARRON.—Estudio paleobotd-nico de las capas superiores del paquete Carrasconte (paraje de Valdemazuena, Cabrillanes, Leon)     
CONCEPCION ALVAREZ RAMIS.—Sobre la presencia de flora autuniense en las series carboniferas del Pirineo leridano (Espana)     
WILLIAM H. GILLESPIE, LAWRENCE J. RHEAMS.—Plant megafossils from the Carboniferous of Alabama, U.S.A    
PAUL C. LYONS, CHARLES R. ZEISSNER, JR., HENRY L. BARWOOD, FREDERIK G. ADINOLFI.—North American and European megafloral correlations with the upper part of the Pottsville Formation of the Warrior coal field, Alabama, U.S.A.
WILLIAM H. GILLESPIE, THOMAS J. CRAWFORD.—«ял/ megafossils from the carboniferous of Georgia, US.A    .     
WILLIAM G. MELTON, JR.—Notes on the paleoecology of the Bear Gulch Limestone, Central Montana, US.A    
UWE BRAND.—Chemical diagnesis and paleoenvironment of the Pennsylvanian Kendrick Fauna, Kentucky, US.A. ...  
JOAN O. MORRISON, UWE BRAND, HAROLD B. ROLLINS.—Paleoenvironmental and chemical analysis of the Pennsylvanian Brush Creek fossil allochems, Pennsylvania, US. A    
ROBERT A. GASTALDO.—Upper Carboniferous paleoecological reconstructions: observations and reconsiderations     
JEAN BROUTIN, JEANNE DOUBINGER.—Interet stratigraphique et paleogeographique des palynoflores du Permien inferieur de la province de Seville (Espagne du Sud-Ouest)     
RICHARD L. LEARY.—Fossil noncalcareous algae from Visean {Mid Mississippian) strata of Illinois, US.A    
R. D. HOARE, M„ T. STURGEON.—The Pennsylvanian foraminifer Glyphostomella Cushman and waters in the Appalachian Basin, US.A    
C. MARTI'NEZ-DIAZ, L. F. GRANADOS, E. VILLA, E. A. REITLINGER.—Sobre la pre-sencia de los generos “Lasiodiscus” у “Lasiotrochus” en el Bashkiriense de Leon (NW de Espana)          
WU WANG-SHI.—Rugosa near the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in Southwest China
WILLIAM J. SANDO. Biostratigraphy of Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) Corals, Western interior region, Conterminous, US.A     ...
AUGUST H. SIMONSEN.—Bryozoans from the upper Mississippian Wymps Gap Limestone.
WALTER L. MANGER, PATRICK K. SUTHERLAND, DOUGLAS W. JOHNSON, C. MICHAEL BROWN.—Biostratigraphy of the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary, Llano region, central Texas     
T. A. SIXTEL, L. I. SAVITSKAYA.—Phytostratigraphic data and the palaeofloristic boundaries in Central Asia during the carboniferous period     
J. L. GARCIA-ALCALDE, J. R. MENENDEZ-ALVAREZ, S. GARCIA-LOPEZ, F. SOTO — El Devonico superior у el Carbonifero inferior del sinclinal de Beberino (Pola de Gordon, Leon, NO de Espana)     
R. H. WAGNER, J. TALENS, B. MELENDEZ.—Macroflora del Carbonifero superior de He-narejos (provincia de Cuenca, Cordillera Iberica)     
M. CAZZOLO-KLEPZIG, M. GUERRA-SOMMER.—Relationship between the taphoflora of the Itarare Group, Parana Basin, South Brazil and the permocarboniferous boundary     
GAO LIANDA.—Carboniferous and Early Permian spore Assemblages of North China Region and the boundary of the Carboniferous and Permian     
RALPH L. LANGENHEIM, JR,, BRYAN G. HUFF, ERIC W. LIPMAN, ROBERT C. VAI-DEN.—Preliminary report of the brachiopod fauna, Arrow Canyon section, Southern Nevada, US.A    
M. L. MARTINEZ CHACON, C. F. WINKLER PRINS.—Upper Carboniferous (Kasimovian) brachiopods from Asturias (TV. Spain)          
FRANCINE LAURENTIAUX-VIEIRA, DANIEL LAURENTIAUX.—Les insectes Carboni-feres: revue sommaire        
R. M. C. EAGAR.—The stratigraphical and palaeoecological distribution of non-marine bivalves in the coalfields of Northwest Spain             
GARY M. VASEY.—The nonmarine fauna of the Sydney Coalfield (Morien Group), Canada: Palaeoecology and correlation          
BRIAN A. ENGEL, NOREEN MORRIS.—The biostratigraphy of Carboniferous trilobites in eastern Australia     
J. GANDL.—Trilobites from the upper Carboniferous of the Cantabrian mountains (NW-Spain) and their biostratigraphical significance     
JURGEN KULLMANN.—Relaciones faunisticas de los Ammonoideos Carboniferos de Espa-ha-Portugal (Peninsula Iberica)              

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