Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Facies models / Фациальное моделирование
The series of articles on Facies Models in Geoscience Canada was initiated by editor Gerard V. Middleton, partly in response to a suggestion from Erich Dimroth that "brief, well-written, concise articles, outlining the techniques of rock interpretation, and the concepts and criteria for regional evaluation would be an enormous help to the general purpose field geologist”. Each author was asked to prepare a review that covered the basic ideas, without unnecessary jargon, in terms that the student or "general purpose field geologist” could understand. Most of the illustrations in the articles have been prepared with this objective in mind. The articles have attracted sufficient attention that the Geological Association of Canada has decided to reprint them here.
Many of the older articles have been revised for this volume, and some new illustrations and references added. In addition, three contributions appear here without prior publication in Geoscience Canada, in order to increase the scope of this volume. It is not intended to be a complete survey of all facies, and some facies (such as iron formations and volcaniclastics) have been included here because of their importance in a Canadian context. We hope, however, that we have achieved an international coverage of ideas and examples.<...>