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Journal of Structural Geology (1981)/ Журнал структурной геологии (1981)
Number 1
Folds and the strain ellipsoid: a general model
Patterns of fold interference: influence of early fold shapes
Brittle deformation in pitted pebble conglomerates
Kinematics of late Mesozoic thrusting, Pilot Mountains, west-central Nevada, U.S.A.
An inverse problem in microtectonics for the determination of stress tensors from fault striation analysis
The effect of the basal-prism mechanism switch on fabric development during plastic deformation of quartzite
Mineral reactions participating in intragranular fracture propagation: implications for stress corrosion cracking
Diapirism and gravity tectonics: report of a Tectonic Studies Group conference held at Leeds University, 25-26 March 1980
Structure of Southern Tibet: report on a traverse from Lhasa to Khatmandu organised by Academia Sinica
Book Reviews Number 2
Analysis of three-dimensional strain modified uniform distributions: andalusite fabrics from a granite aureole
Boudinage structure: some new interpretations based on elastic-plastic finite element simulations
Comparison of quartz microfabric with strain in recrystallized quartzite
Deformation and metamorphism of the Aileu Formation, north coast, East Timor and its tectonic significance
Fracture geometry of pseudotachylyte generation zones: a study of shear fractures formed during seismic events
Relationship between fracture spacing and bed thickness
Report on the Tectonic Studies Group A.G.M. 18-19 December 1980, University of Keele
Number 3
Vergence: an evaluation
Structural analysis of sheath folds with horizontal X-axes, northeast Canada
Axial directions of folds in rocks with linear/planar fabrics
Strain patterns of pluton emplacement in a crust undergoing non-coaxial deformation, Sierra Morena, southern Spain
Diapirism in northern Tunisia
Alpine tectonics and diapiric structures in the Pre-Betic zone of southeast Spain
The application of computer-assisted photogrammetric methods in the structural analysis of part of the North Greenland Fold Belt
Cleavage-fold relationships and their implications for transected folds: an example from southwest Virginia, U.S.A.
A microstructural and microchemical study of cleavage lamellae in a slate
A simple-shear construction from Thomson & Tait (1867)
Minimum strain from conglomerates with ductility contrast
Thrust structures in the eastern Dauphinois Zone (French Alps), north of the Pelvoux Massif
The west European stress field: new data and interpretation
Tectonic framework of the Celtic Sea and adjacent areas with special reference to the location of the Variscan Front
The relationships between metamorphism and deformation: report of the Tectonic Studies Group discussion meeting held at the Geological Society, Burlington House, London, 12 November 1980
Book Reviews
Contents Number 4
Preface: Tectonics at the 26th IGC, Paris
Fault tectonics of the Baja California Peninsula and the opening of the Sea of Cortez, Mexico
Relations between fracture patterns, seismicity and plate motions in the Lesser Antilles
Contribution of structural analysis to understanding the geodynamic evolution of the Calabrian arc (Southern Italy)
Opposed shear senses inferred from neotectonic mesofracture systems in the North Anatolian fault zone
Fault movements and stress accumulation before the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in North China
Transverse lineation and large-scale structures related to Alpine obduction in Corsica
Sequence and style of major post-nappe structures, Simplon Pennine Alps
Strain analysis of a Northern Apennine shear zone using deformed marble breccias
Tectonics of the Caucasus and adjoining regions: implications for the evolution of the Tethys ocean
Crystalline rocks of the Spinatizha area, Pakistan
Reactivated Tibetan block in a Tethyan context
Geology of the Talaud Islands, Molucca Sea collision zone, northeast Indonesia
Importance of Hercynian tectonics within the framework of the Southern Alps
Tectonostratigraphic development of the Trondheim region Caledonides, Central Norway
Referees for Volume 3
Contents and Author Index, Volume 3