Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Journal of Structural Geology (1980)/ Журнал структурной геологии (1980)
Hercynian mylonite belts in the eastern Pyrenees: an example of shear zones associated with late folding
The Caledonian thrust and shear zones of N.W. Scotland
Shear zones in the Precambrian crust of Southern Africa
The role of shear belts in the structural evolution of the South Harris igneous complex
The South Armorican shear zone
Shear zones in the granodioritic massifs of the Central Pyrenees and the behaviour of these massifs during the Alpine orogenesis
The Western Meseta shear zone, a major and permanent feature of the Hercynian belt in Morocco
Shear zones in the Iberian Arc
Sinistral horizontal shearing as a dominant process of deformation in the Alpine Pyrenees
Steep shear zones in the basement and associated deformation of the cover sequence on KarmCy, S W Norwegian Caledonides
Shear zone geometry: a review
Rotation and deformation of randomly oriented planar and linear structures in progressive simple shear
Strain profile of a boundary within a large ductile shear zone
Development of sheath folds in shear regimes
Evolution of folds during progressive shear in the South Armorican shear zone, France
Shear localization and shear instability in materials in the ductile field
Mechanics of shear zones in isotropic dilatant materials
Strain heating and thermal softening in continental shear zones: a review
Thermal and mechanical evolution of shear zones
Transient discontinuities in ductile shear zones
On mylonites in ductile shear zones
The progressive development of inhomogeneous shear and crystallographic fabric in glacial ice
High temperature simple shearing fabrics: a new experimental approach
Shear zones in a pegmatite: a study of albite-mica-quartz deformation
A preliminary study on the behaviour of brittle minerals in a ductile matrix: example of zircons and feldspars
Pressure solution deformation of conglomerates in shear zones, Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island
Sheared galena; textures and microstructures
Shear fabrics of naturally deformed galena
Oblique girdle orientation patterns of quartz C-axes from a shear zone in the basement core of the Maggia Nappe Ticino, Switzerland
Polyphase shear zones in the granulite belts along the margins of the Bohemian Massif
Retrogressive metamorphic processes in shear zones with special reference to the Lewisian complex
Variations in mineral chemistry across a shear zone in phlogopite peridotite
Microstructural and chemical studies of sheared anorthosites, Roneval, South Harris
Ductile shear zones in a meta-anorthosite from Harris, Scotland: textural and compositional changes in plagioclase
Fore-arc evolution and continental growth: a general model
Contemporaneous movement along crossing conjugate normal faults
Classification of fold interference patterns: a reexamination
Non-axial planar S~ cleavage in the Hawick Rocks of the Galloway area, Southern Uplands, Scotland
The texture of cross-micas in rocks affected by schistosityparallel displacements
Deformation microstructures in experimentally deformed Maryland diabase
The simulation of fabric development during plastic deformation and its application to quartzite: the influence of deformation history
Vorticity and non-coaxiality in progressive deformations
Compatibility of two-dimensional strains and rotations along strain trajectories
The tectonic implications of some small scale structures in the Mona Complex of Holy Isle, North Wales
Extensional structures in anisotropic rocks
Grain-size sensitive deformation of a stretched conglomerate from Plymouth, Vermont
Numerical models of hydraulic fracturing and the interpretation of syntectonic veins
Hydrolytic weakening of experimentally deformed Westerly granite and Hale albite rock
Variation of interlayer slip in space and time during flexural folding
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of rocks and massive ores: a mathematical model study and its fabric implications
Late-Cenozoic pull-apart basins, Bocon6 fault zone, Venezuelan Andes