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Journal of Structural Geology (1979)/ Журнал структурной геологии (1979)
Editorial: background to the Journal
Fold trains in a glacier of salt in southern Iran
The development of asymmetrical folds in a cross-laminated siltstone Orthogneiss, mylonite and non coaxial deformation of granites: the example of the South Armorican Shear Zone
Progressive deveiopmem of quartz fabrics in a shear zone from Monte Mucrone, Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Italian Alps
Deformation in low grade shear zones in the Old Red Sandstone, S.W. Wales
Removal of finite deformation using strain trajectories
Crenuiation cleavage differentiation: implications of solutiondeposition processes
The role of discrete heterogeneities and linear fabrics in the formation of crenulations
Description and origin of spatial periodicity in tectonic structures: report on a Tectonic Studies Group conference held at Nottingham University, 8 November 1978
The simulation of fabric development during plastic deformation and its appfication to quartzite: fabric transitions
Arcuate fold and thrust patterns in the Subalpine Chains of Southeast France
The analysis of deformed belemnites
Sizes of submarine slides and their significance
Tectonic si~,nificance of mesofracture systems associated with the Lebanese segment of the Dead Sea tran-~zforal fault
A comparison of methods of strain determination in rocks from southwest Dyfed (Pembrokeshire) and adjacent areas
Factorization of finite strains in three dimensions---a computer method
Book Reviews
The transition from upright to recumbent folding in the Variscan fold belt of southwest England: a model based on the kinematics of simple shear
The geometrical classification of noncylindrical folds
Geometry of crenuiation-folds and their relationship to crenulation cleavage
On the production of two inclined cleavages during a single folding event; Stirring Range, S.W. Australia
Density distribution techniques and strained length methods for determination of finite strains
Mechanism of hictional fusion in fault zones
The correlation of fracture directions with sedimem an/sotropy in folded rocks of the Deiamerian fold belt at Port Crermein gorge, South Australia
Book Reviews
Texture and fabric studies across the Kishom Nappe, near Kyle of Lochaish, Western Scotland
Su'uctural analysis of sheath-folds in a mere-chert from the Western Italian Alps
Fabric development in shear zones: theoretical controls and observed phenomena
The deformation matrix and the deformation ell/psoid
Superposition of plane strain on an initial sedimentary fabric: an example from Laksefjord, North Norway
The representation and calculation of the deviatoric component of the geological stress tensor
Fault rocks as indicators of progressive shear deformation in the Otfingamp region, Brittany
Large strain deformation: report on a Tectonic Studies Group discussion meeting held at Imperial College, London on 14 November 1979
Book Reviews
Referees for Volume 1