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Economic evaluations in exploration / Экономические оценки при проведении геологоразведочных работ
This book starts with conversions. Although the metric system is being adopted worldwide, older data from Anglo-American countries will always be non-metric. Any deposit evaluation should be based on solid historical research. Many deposits have a long exploration history. Meticulous investigation of older data often answers many questions and avoids mistakes.
In addition, uncommon units used in the raw materials field are introduced.
Thereafter the book generally follows the usual steps of an evaluation: Assessment of tonnage and grades; conversion of geological data into mining data; derivation of a commodity price; calculation of return per tonne of ore; determination of optimum mine capacity; estimation of capital and production costs; final economic evaluation as appropriate for early stage projects.
The book ends with four chapters dealing with aspects of general interest to economic geologists and mineral economists: Valuation of exploration projects without mineralization, comparison of deposits, calculations of growth rates and equity