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Subsurface sediment mobilization / Мобилизация подповерхностных отложений
VAN RENSBERGEN, P., HILLIS, R.R., MALTMAN, AJ. & MORLEY, C.K. Subsurface sediment mobilization: introduction
MALTMAN, AJ. & BOLTON, A. How sediments become mobilized Shallow subsurface sediment mobilization
OWEN, G. Load structures: gravity-driven sediment mobilization in the shallow subsurface
HARRISON, P. & MALTMAN, A. J. Numerical modelling of reverse-density structures in soft non-Newtonian sediments
PARIZE, O. & FRIES, G. The Vocontian clastic dykes and skills: a geometric model
BANKWITZ, P., BANKWITZ, E., BRAUER, K., KAMPF, H. & STORR, M. Deformation structures in Plioand Pleistocene sediments (NW Bohemia, Central Europe)
LEDESERT, B., BURET, C., CHANIER, E, FERRIERE, J. & RECOURT, P. Tubular structures of northern Wairarapa (New Zealand) as possible examples of ancient fluid expulsion in an accretionary prism: evidence from field and petrographical observations
DRAGANITS, E., GRASEMANN, B. & SCHMID, H.P. Fluidization pipes and spring pits in a Gondwanan barrier-island environment: Groundwater phenomenon, palaeo-seismicity or a combination of both?
HURST, A., CARTWRIGHT, J. & DURANTI, D. Fluidization structures produced by upward injection of sand through a sealing lithology
L0SETH, H., WENSAAS, L., ARNTSEN, B. & HOVLAND, M. Gas and fluid injection triggering shallow mud mobilization in the Hordaland Group, North Sea
PRALLE, N., KULZER, M. & GUDEHUS, G. Experimental evidence on the role of gas in sediment liquefaction and mud volcanism
GAY, A., LOPEZ, M., COCHONAT, P., SULTAN, N., CAUQUIL, E. & BRIGAUD, F. Sinuous pockmark belt as indicator of a shallow buried turbiditic channel on the lower slope of the Congo basin, West African margin
NOUZE, H. & BALTZER, A. Shallow bottom-simulating reflectors on the Angola margin, in relation with gas and gas hydrate in the sediments
VAN RENSBERGEN, P., POORT, J., KIPFER, R., DE BATIST, M., VANNESTE, M., KLERKX, J., GRANIN, N., KHLYSTOV, O. & KRINITSKY, P. Near-surf ace sediment mobilization and methane venting in relation to hydrate destabilization in Southern Lake Baikal, Siberia Polygonal faults and sediment mobilization
CARTWRIGHT, J., JAMES, D. & BOLTON, A. The genesis of polygonal fault systems: a review
NICOL, A., WALSH, J.J., WATTERSON, J., NELL, P.A.R. & BRETAN, P. The geometry, growth and linkage of faults within a polygonal fault system from South Australia
STUEVOLD, L.M., FAERSETH, R.B., ARNSEN, L., CARTWRIGHT, J. & MOLLER, N. Polygonal faults in the Ormen Lange Field, M0re Basin, offshore Mid Norway
BERNDT, C., BUNZ, S. & MIENERT, J. Polygonal fault systems on the mid-Norwegian margin: a long-term source forluidfflow
HIBSCH, C., CARTWRIGHT, J. HANSEN, D.M., GAVIGLIO, P., ANDRE, G., GUSHING, M., BRACQ, P., JUIGNET, P., BENOIT, P. & ALLOUC, J. Normal faulting in chalk: tectonic stresses vs. compactionrelated polygonal faulting
MERTENS, J., VANDENBERGHE, N., WOUTERS, L. & SINTUBIN, M. The origin and development of joints in the Boom Clay Formation (Rupelian) in Belgium
WATTRUS, N.J., RAUSCH, D.E. & CARTWRIGHT, J. Soft-sediment deformation in Lake Superior: evidence for an immature Polygonal Fault System? Deep subsurface sediment mobilization
MORLEY, C.K. Mobile shale related deformation in large deltas developed on passive and active margins
HILLIS, R.R. Pore pressure/stress coupling and its implications for rock failure
TINGAY, M.R.R, HILLIS, R.R., MORLEY, C.K., SWARBRICK, R.E. & OKPERE, B.C. Pore pressure/stress coupling in Brunei Darussalam - implications for shale injection
MORLEY, C.K. Outcrop examples of mudstone intrusions from the Jerudong anticline, Brunei Darussalam, and inferences for hydrocarbon reservoirs
VAN RENSBERGEN, P. & MORLEY, C.K. Re-evaluation of mobile shale occurrences on seismic sections of the Champion and Baram deltas, offshore Brunei
McCLAY, K, DOOLEY, T. & ZAMORA, G. Analogue models of delta systems above ductile substrates
TOTTERDELL, J.M. & KRASSAY, A. A. The role of shale deformation and growth faulting in the Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bight Basin, offshore southern Australia
TALUKDER, A.R., COMAS, M.C. & SOTO, J.L Pliocene to Recent mud diapirism and related mud volcanoes in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)
YASSIR, N. The role of shear stress in mobilizing deep-seated mud volcanoes: geological and geomechanical evidence from Trinidad and Taiwan
DEVILLE, E., BATTANI, A., GRIBOULARD, R., GUERLAIS, S., HEREIN, J.P., HOUZAY, J.P., MULLER, C. & PRINZHOFER, A. The origin and processes of mud volcanism: new insights from Trinidad
DEYHLE, A., KOPF, AJ. & ALOISI, G. Boron and boron isotopes as tracers for diagenetic reactions and depth of mobilization, using muds and authigenic carbonates from eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes
PARNELL, J. & KELLY, J. Remobilization of sand from consolidated sandstones: evidence from mixed bitumen-sand intrusions