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Pollutants in acid mine drainage / Загрязняющие вещества в дренаже кислых шахт

Редактор(ы):Valente T.
Издание:MDPI, 2023 г., 357 стр., ISBN: 978-3-0365-8329-7
Pollutants in acid mine drainage / Загрязняющие вещества в дренаже кислых шахт

Teresa Valente Editorial for Special Issue “Pollutants in Acid Mine Drainage” Reprinted from

Darrell Kirk Nordstrom Geochemical Modeling of Iron and Aluminum Precipitation during Mixing and Neutralization of Acid Mine Drainage
Cl ´ementine Drapeau, Rabei Argane, C ´ecile Delolme, Denise Blanc, Mostafa Benzaazoua and Rachid Hakkou et al. Lead Mobilization and Speciation in Mining Waste: Experiments and Modeling
Elliott K. Skierszkan, John W. Dockrey, K. Ulrich Mayer, Viorica F. Bondici, Joyce M. McBeth and Roger D. Beckie Geochemical Controls on Uranium Release from Neutral-pH Rock Drainage Produced by Weathering of Granite, Gneiss, and Schist
Mariana Lemos, Teresa Valente, Paula Marinho Reis, Rita Fonseca, Itamar Delbem and Juliana Ventura et al. Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Gold Mining Tailings and Their Potential to Generate Acid Mine Drainage (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Cl ´ementine Drapeau, C´ecile Delolme, Cl´ement V´ezin, Denise Blanc, Thomas Baumgartl and Mansour Edraki et al. ANC–BNC Titrations and Geochemical Modeling for Characterizing Calcareous and Siliceous Mining Waste
Katherine E. Raymond, Nicolas Seigneur, Danyang Su, Biss´e Poaty, Benoˆıt Plante and Bruno Bussi `ere et al. Numerical Modeling of a Laboratory-Scale Waste Rock Pile Featuring an Engineered Cover System
Annah Moyo, Juarez R. do Amaral Filho, Susan T.L. Harrison and Jennifer L. Broadhurst Implications of Sulfur Speciation on the Assessment of Acid Rock Drainage Generating Potential: A Study of South African Coal Processing Wastes

Jeff B. Langman, Jaabir Duunya Ali, Andrew W. Child, Frank M. Wilhelm and James G. Moberly Sulfur Species, Bonding Environment, and Metal Mobilization in Mining-Impacted Lake Sediments: Column Experiments Replicating Seasonal Anoxia and Deposition of Algal Detritus

Agnes ´ Odri, Megan Becker, Jennifer Broadhurst, Susan T. L. Harrison and Mansour Edraki ´ Stable Isotope Imprints during Pyrite Leaching: Implications for Acid Rock Drainage Characterization
Teresa Pi-Puig, Jes ´us Sol´e and Adriana G ´omez Cruz Mineralogical Study and Genetic Model of Efflorescent Salts and Crusts from Two Abandoned Tailings in the Taxco Mining District, Guerrero (Mexico)
Elena Menshikova, Boris Osovetsky, Sergey Blinov and Pavel Belkin Mineral Formation under the Influence of Mine Waters (The Kizel Coal Basin, Russia)
Yeongkyoo Kim Geochemical Behavior of Potentially Toxic Elements in Riverbank-Deposited Weathered Tailings and Their Environmental Effects: Weathering of Pyrite and Manganese Pyroxene
Iwona Zawierucha, Anna Nowik-Zajac and Grzegorz Malina Selective Removal of As(V) Ions from Acid Mine Drainage Using Polymer Inclusion Membranes 
Tatsuya Kato, Yohei Kawasaki, Masakazu Kadokura, Kohei Suzuki, Yasuhiro Tawara and Yoshiyuki Ohara et al. Application of GETFLOWS Coupled with Chemical Reactions to Arsenic Removal through Ferrihydrite Coprecipitation in an Artificial Wetland of a Japanese Closed Mine
S ´ebastien Ryskie, Carmen M. Neculita, Eric Rosa, Lucie Coudert and Patrice Couture Active Treatment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Cold Mine Water Using Advanced Oxidation and Membrane-Related Processes: A Review
Karine Batista dos Santos, V´ıtor Otac´ılio de Almeida, J´essica Weiler and Ivo Andr ´e Homrich Schneider Removal of Pollutants from an AMD from a Coal Mine by Neutralization/Precipitation Followed by “In Vivo” Biosorption Step with the Microalgae Scenedesmus sp.
Patr´ıcia Gomes, Teresa Valente, Teresa Albuquerque, Renato Henriques, N ´uria Flor-Arnau and Jorge Pamplona et al. Algae in Acid Mine Drainage and Relationships with Pollutants in a Degraded Mining Ecosystem
Manuel Ol´ıas, Carlos R. C´anovas, Francisco Mac´ıas, Mar´ıa Dolores Basallote and Jos ´e Miguel Nieto The Evolution of Pollutant Concentrations in a River Severely Affected by Acid Mine Drainage: R´ıo Tinto (SW Spain)
Hernan Flores, Sandra Lorenz, Robert Jackisch, Laura Tusa, I. Cecilia Contreras and Robert Zimmermann et al. UAS-Based Hyperspectral Environmental Monitoring of Acid Mine Drainage Affected Waters

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