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Maturity model grade control evaluation guide / Руководство по оценке контроля качества зрелой модели

Издание:2012 г., 10 стр.
Maturity model grade control evaluation guide / Руководство по оценке контроля качества зрелой модели

This document describes an evaluation methodology and suite of guides that can be used to appraise the maturity of different geology-related activities within operations. These guides can be completed by on-site staff members in the form of a survey, or by a visiting professional observing an operation’s behaviours. The methodology is designed to evaluate each activity’s maturity using different methods. There are three key methods: a) the Maturity Index, b) the Task Description and c) Improvement Areas. These methods examine the activity from different angles and should align if the results are consistent. The final results can be combined to produce an overall appraisal of the geoscientific information management environment. <...>

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