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Geological records of tsunamis and other extreme waves / Геологические данные о цунами и других экстремальных волнах
This edited volume compiles the state of the art in research on the geological record of tsunamis and other extreme-wave events and guides the reader in designing goaland site-specific research. It has evolved from an initial idea, first explored by the editors in early 2016, to final publication online and in print in mid-2020. The motivation for developing a handbook-type compendium on this topic was driven by the observation that such a unifying volume devoted to this particular discipline, which lies at the crossroads between sedimentology and tsunami science, was missed by the scientific community. What we had in mind was an exhaustive work that enables the broader dissemination and transfer of ideas, methods and concepts associated with identifying tsunami and other extreme-wave deposits. By doing so, we seek to promote their application to a wide range of different coastal sedimentary environments and their enhanced use for coastal hazard assessment.
The great success of our first thematic session “Geological records of extreme wave events” organized at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in 2016 was a clear demonstration that there was an active community of researchers who were enthusiastically pushing the tsunami geoscience field forward. A special issue of the journal Marine Geology related to this EGU session followed in 2018 (Vol. 396, edited by Ed Garrett, Jessica Pilarczyk, and Dominik Brill) compiling 16 papers on paleo- and modern tsunami and storm records. With a wide range of exciting new research being presented at subsequent editions of the EGU session, we felt that a detailed compendium would be of significant interest for the continuously growing community. Consequently, this work represents a true community effort: leading experts were invited to contribute chapters, while each chapter was peer-reviewed by at least one external reviewer and a minimum of one of the editors. It is great to see the substantial overlap between the authors and reviewers of this compendium, and the contributors to the thematic sessions at the annual EGU General Assemblies. <...>