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The Geology of Svalbard / Геология Шпицбергена
This work attempts to present the geology of Svalbard in some detail, arranged systematically as a definitive study and so reflecting the present conjuncture of research. It may thus meet the needs of specialists with information on related fields or of any geoscientist wanting an indication of what is known about this key region. Spitsbergen (peaked mountains), the name earlier referred to the whole archipelago. It is now replaced by the name Svalbard (cold coasts), within which Spitsbergen is the principal landmass. Spitsbergen alone is about the size of Switzerland and the whole archipelago a little less than the area of Scotland. Geologically it has the wealth in variety and complexity in stratigraphy and structure no less than these classic areas. Moreover with an international history and present treaty status many nations have participated in research so the geological literature currently comprising far more
than 3000 publications is widely scattered and rapidly increasing. There are indeed excellent published geological outlines, but no comprehensive work.
Part 1 of this work is introductory, setting the stage. Chapter 3 in particular presents the principal geological conventions used throughout and outlines the main geological features and tectonic hypotheses. Part 2 divides Svalbard into eight somewhat arbitrary regions/sectors which are described with minimal interpretation. The rock successions are described briefly from the top down as observed, and the structures are outlined and to some extent illustrated. Part 3 interprets historical events and environments from oldest to youngest in successive time-slices. Part 4 comprises an appendix on economic geology and four alphabetical lists (place names, stratigraphic names, references and general index). Small type has been used throughout the text for detail that may be skipped when only the main argument is of interest. <...>