Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Sediment-hosted mineral deposits / Осадочные месторождения полезных ископаемых
Manganese and Iron Deposits
Groote Eylandt manganese norm: a new application of mineral normalization techniques on supergene alteration products. B.Pracejus
Palaeogeographic setting of late Jurassic manganese mineralization in the Molango district, Mexico
J.B. Maynard, P.M. Okita, E.D. May and A. Martinez-Vera
Manganese and iron facies in hydrolithic sediments
G.A. Gross
Manganese deposits of the Proterozoic Datangpo Formation, South China: genesis and palaeogeography
X. Xu, H. Huang and 8. Liu
Manganese enrichment in a Triassic aulacogen graben in the Lijiang Basin, Yunnan Province, China
Processes of formation of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides in the Atlantis-ll and Thetis Deeps of the Red Sea
G. Yu. Butuzova, V.A. Drits, A.A. Morozov and A. I. Gorschkov
Mineoka Umber: a submarine hydrothermal deposit on an Eocene arc volcanic ridge in central Japan
A. Iijima, Y. Watanabe, S. Ogihara and K. Yamazaki
Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of manganese-iron crusts on the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640, Cape Verde Plate, Atlantic
l.M. Varentsov, V.A. Drits and A./. Gorschkov
Microbiota from middle and late Proterozoic iron and manganese ore deposits in China
L. Yin
Metal precipitation related to Lower Ordovician oceanic changes: geochemical evidence from deep-water sedimentary sequences in western Newfoundland
J. W. Borsford and D. F. Sangsrer
Origin of iron carbonate layers in Tertiary coastal sediments of Central Kalimantan Pro vi nee (Borneo), Indonesia
G. R. Sieffermann
Mineral deposits in Miocene lacustrine and Devonian shallow-marine facies in Yugoslavia
J. Obradovic and N. Vasic
Copper Deposits
Syngenetic and paleokarstic copper mineralization in the Palaeozoic platform sediments of West Central Sinai, Egypt
M.A. Ј1 Sharkawi, M.M. Ј1 Aref and A. Abdel Motelib
Geochemical data for the Dongchuan-Yimen strata-bound copper deposits, China
C. Ran
Metal Enrichments Associated with Organic Matter
Metal enrichments in organic materials as a guide to ore mineralization
J. Parnell
Relationships between organic matter and metalliferous deposits in Lower Palaeozoic carbonate formations in China
R. Jia, D. Liu and.!. Fu
Comparative geochemistry of metals and rare earth ekments from the Cambrian alum shale and kolm of Sweden
J. Leventhal
Uranium enrichment in the Permian organic-rich Walchia shale, Intra-Sudetic Depression, southwestern Poland
S. Wo/kowicz