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Working with migmatites. Mineralogical association of Canada short course. Series Volume 38 / Работа с мигматитами. Краткий курс Минералогической ассоциации Канады. Том 38 серии
Working with Migmatites: Nomenclature for the Constituent Parts Edward W. Sawyer
Identifying the Parts of Migmatites in the Field Edward W. Sawyer
Crustal Melting: Working with Enclaves Bernardo Cesare
Decoding Migmatite Microstructures Marian Holness
Insights into Crustal Melting and the Formation of Migmatites Gained from the Petrological Modeling of Migmatites Richard W. White
Granites, Migmatites and Residual Granulites: Relationships and Processes Michael Brown
The interplay between tectonics/structure and migmatite morphology in the field Gary Solar