Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Alkaline rocks, kimberlites and carbonatites: geochemistry and genesis / Щелочные породы, кимберлиты и карбонатиты: геохимия и генезис
Enriched Mantle Reservoirs as a Source of the Largest Apatite and Rare-Metal Deposits
L. N. Kogarko
Problems of Mantle Structure and Compositions of Various Terranes of Siberian Craton
I. V. Ashchepkov, N. V. Vladykin, A. Ivanov, S. Babushkina, M. Vavilov, and N. Medvedev
Zhidoy Alkali-Ultramafic Rock and Carbonatite Massif: Geochemical Features, Its Sources Aednd Ore-Bearing
N. V. Vladykin, I. A. Sotnikova, and N. V. Alymova
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Content of Alkaline Granite Magmatism of East Sayan Zone (On the Example of Zashikhinsky Deposit)
N. V. Alymova and N. V. Vladykin
Mineralogical and Geochemical Features on the Tsagaan-Uul Pantellerite Dike Swarm (Northern Mongolia)
Yu. D. Shcherbakov, A. B. Perepelov, S. S. Tsypukova, E. Dalai-Eredeine, and M. Yu. Puzankov
Indicator Role of Spinel-Olivine Paragenesis in Determining Conditions of Dunites Origin in the Central Cart of the Konder Massif
G. P. Ponomarev, N. V. Vladykin, and I. A. Sotnikova
Chemical Compositional Variation of Clinopyroxenes of Alkaline-Ultrabasic and Alkaline Rocks of the Inagli Massif
T. A. Radomskaya, N. V. Vladykin, and E. V. Kaneva
Crystal-Chemical Features of Rare and Complex Silicates from Charoite Rocks of the Malyy Murun Volcano-Plutonic Alkaline Complex
E. V. Kaneva, R. Y. Shendrik, N. V. Vladykin, and T. A. Radomskaya
Ca-Concentrations in Olivines from Ultrabasic Rocks—Genetic Findings
G. P. Ponomarev, N. V. Vladykin, and I. A. Sotnikova
Composition and Mechanisms of Formation of Comendite Melts of the Early Mesozoic Bimodal Association of Sant, Central Mongolia
I. A. Andreeva, S. E. Borisovsky, and V. V. Yarmolyuk
Composition and Parameters of Generation of Primary Magma of Ultramafic Massif Uitkomst: Thermobarogeochemical Study of Microinclusions
I. P. Solovova
New Mineralogical Type of Mantle Substrate (Nakyn Kimberlite Field, Yakutia)
S. M. Sablukov, L. I. Sablukova, and Yu B. Stegnitskiy
Petrology of the Yubileynaya Kimberlite Pipe: Application to the Variation of Kimberlites Composition with the Depth
Z. V. Spetsius, A. Ivanov, and A. V. Aminov
Ustyansky Diamondiferous Region in the Central Part of the Russian Platform
S. M. Sablukov, L. I. Sablukova, A. V. Belov, N. S. Ermakov, and S. I. Leshukov