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Evolution of physical oceanography. Scientific surveys in honor of Henry Stomme / Эволюция физической географии. Научные изыскания в честь Генри Стомма

Автор(ы):Stommel B.A.
Редактор(ы):Warren B.A., Wunsch C.
Издание:1981 г., 641 стр., ISBN: 978-0262231046
Evolution of physical oceanography. Scientific surveys in honor of Henry Stomme / Эволюция физической географии. Научные изыскания в честь Генри Стомма

This book is a tribute to a prodigibus man, Henry Stommel, on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, September 27, 1980. In the course of his scientific career, his influence on the development of physical oceanography during nearly four decades has been immense. At the center of that influence has been the originality and penetration of his own research, which, in major part, has generated the modern concepts of ocean circulation. The fruits of his thinking are much more widespread than is apparent from his own work, however, for by his enthusiasm and intellectual vigor, he has stimulated many investigators to follow lines of inquiry that he foresaw as fruitful and revealing but that were too numerous to be pursued by himself. He is a theorist of extraordinary creativity, an astute observer willing to spend weeks at sea, and an ingenious laboratory experimentalist of the sealing-wax-andstring school, and he has been an inspiring, if sometimes bewildering, teacher to a generation of graduate students. Many have been drawn into his orbit simply by the fascination of his personality, for in.company with these scientific activities, the variety of Stommel's avocations is also overwhelming. He pursues these interests with exuberance, whether it be as gentleman farmer, amateur painter, home printer, Oriental chef, marine antiquarian, musicboxicologist, or alarmingly casual experimenter with explosives. His pranks are a delight to most who witness them, his kindnesses have been felt by many, and his charm has won him widespread affection. <...>

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