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Transmitted light microscopy of rock-forming minerals. An introduction to optical mineralogy / Микроскопия породообразующих минералов в проходящем свете. Введение в оптическую минералогию
I am indebted to many colleagues and former students for valuable suggestions and discussions and for having provided thin sections or images. I thank PD Dr. Afifé El Kohr (University of Fribourg) for reading all chapters and suggesting important improvements in the text and the figures. I thank Dr. Florence Bégué (University of Geneva) for reading and improving remarks on various chapters. Special thanks for commenting on various drafts are due to Prof. Richard Bevins (Natural Museum of Wales), Sam Carmalt (University of Geneva), Dr. William Cannon (US Geological Survey), and Dr. Kenneth M. Towe (Smithonian Institute, Washington). I am particularly thankful to Prof. John C. Green (University of Minnesota, Duluth) for carefully editing Chap. 2. I thank Tino Furrer, Nikon, for discussion and the permission to use some figures from the Nikon microscopic handbook. I thank Mark Holtkamp for discussion on crystal symmetry and the permission to use figures created by the Smorf applet. I thank Dr. Matthew J. Genge (Imperial College, London) for providing the images of Genge’s birefringence balls in Chap. 6. I received valuable advice from Prof. Martin Jakob Gander (Section de Mathématiques, University of Geneva) concerning mathematical calculations in Chap. 5 and from Dr. Ulrich Finkenzeller concerning the basic principles of light in Chap. 2. I also thank Prof. Bastien Chopard for financial support (Commission informatique, University of Geneva). I thank Dr. Annette Süssenberger (University of Geneva) and Dr. Maria Ovtrachova (University of Geneva) for reading the chapter on metamorphic rocks and Dr. Massimo Chiaradia (University of Geneva) for reading the chapter on magmatic rocks. I thank Prof. Lluís Fontboté (University of Geneva) for many fruitful discussions on optical mineralogy and for critical reading some chapters. I also thank Prof. Michael Raith (University of Bonn) for discussion on the Michel-Lévy color chart. I thank Moritz Fontboté Schmidt for the calculation of the extinction behavior using a transfer-matrix formalism in Chap. 5, for writing programs to plot the ellipsoids in Chaps. 2 and 6, for stimulating discussions on the optical properties of minerals and their relationship to concepts in physics, as well as his help in the computer applications and at the microscope <...>