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Ophiolites and their modern oceanic analogues / Офиолиты и их современные океанические аналоги

Редактор(ы):Browning P., Murton B.J., Parson L.M.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1992 г., 347 стр., ISBN: 0-903317-69-9
Ophiolites and their modern oceanic analogues / Офиолиты и их современные океанические аналоги

ALEXANDER, R. J. & HARPER, G. D. The Josephine ophiolite: and ancient analogue for slowto intermediate-spreading oceanic ridges
MACLEOD, C. J. & ROTHERY, D. A. Ridge axial segmentation in the Oman ophiolite: evidence from along-strike variations in the sheeted dyke complex
SEAREE, R. C. The volcano-tectonic setting of oceanic lithosphere generation
RUSBY, R. I. GLORIA and other geophysical studies of the tectonic pattern and history of the Easter Microplate, Southeast Pacific
KARSON, J. A. & WINTERS, A. T. Along-axis variations in tectonic extension and accommodation zones in the MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23°N latitude
TAYLOR, R. N., MVRTON, B. J. & NESBITr, R. W. Chemical transects across intra-oceanic arcs: implications for the tectonic setting of ophiolites
KOSTOPOVLOS, D. K. & MtJRTON, B. J. Origin and distribution of components in boninite genesis: significance of the OIB component
KELLER, R. A. & FlSK, M. R. Quaternary marginal basin volcanism in the Bransfield Strait as a modern analogue of the Southern Chilean ophiolites
SMELLIE, J. L. & STONE, P. Geochemical control on the evolutionary history of the Ballantrae Complex, SW Scotland, from comparisons with recent analogues
BAELANTYNE, P. Petrology and geochemistry of the plutonic rocks of the Halmahera ophiolite, Eastern Indonesia, an analogue of modern oceanic forearcs
ROBERTS, S. Influence of the partial melting regime on the formation of ophiolitic chromitite
VALSAMI, E. CANN, J. R. Mobility of rare earth elements in zones of intense hydrothermal alteration in the Pindos ophiolite, Greece
LAURENT, R. Peridotite intrusions emplaced in the fossil suprasubduction zone environment of Cyprus
GIRARDEAU, J. & MERCIER, J.-C. C. Evidence for plagioclase-lherzolite intrusion in the MidAtlantic Ridge, DSDP Leg 37
ALEERTON, S. t VINE, F. J. Deformation styles adjacent to transform faults: evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
BREWER, T. S., PEELING, R., LOVEEL, M. A. & HARVEY, P. K. The validity of whole-rock geochemistry in the study of the oceanic crust: a case study from ODP Hole 504B
BORGIA, A. & TREVES, B. Volcanic plates overriding the ocean crust: structure and dynamics of Hawaiian volcanoes
HARRIS, R. A. Peri-collisional extension in the Banda Orogen as a model for the tectonic evolution of Oman-type ophiolites

ТематикаПетрография, Региональная геология
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