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Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite and carbonatite magmatism / Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового и карбонатитового магматизма
In recent years, alkaline rocks have started to attract intensive attention in both academic and practical fields. These rocks are distinguished mostly by the abundance of alkaline minerals they contain rather than their other components. They generally represent magmatic rocks which contain sodium pyroxene, sodium amphibole or feldspathoid. Alkaline magmatic rocks are produced from magmas originating from the partial fusion of the upper mantle peridotites in different types and degrees. Their role in creating rich mineral deposits increased their significance. Diamond deposits in kimberlite pipes are one of the most important examples. Carbonatites are the latest products of differentiation processes of alkaline mafic (nepheline) or ultramafic (kimberlite) magmas and they may create essential deposits (Nb, Ta, Th, Cu and other metals in addition to nonmetallic minerals such as apatite, barite, fluorite, strontianite, phlogopite, REEs, vermiculite and baddeleyite).The 30th international conference of “Ore Potential of Alkaline, Kimberlite and Carbonatite Magmatism”, previous ones of which were held in different cities in Russia and Ukraine by Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry every year since 1983, will be held in Antalya, Turkey this year <...>