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The karst systems of Florida. Understanding karst in a geologically young terrain / Карстовые системы Флориды. Понимание карста в геологии молодых террейнов
We began considering development of this book in 2010 while we were preparing a guidebook for a karst geology field trip. Our discussions resulted in realization that there are few, if any, karst areas in the world where so much research and investigation existed, especially when one considers that Florida’s near-surface carbonate rocks are eogenetic. That is, they have never been deeply buried or subjected to heat and pressure or had sufficient time to substantially alter their original textures and mineral contents. The youngest karstified carbonate rocks in Florida are only about 100,000 to 150,000 years old, and the oldest, near-surface karstic rocks are about 50 million years old. We concluded that it was time for a synthesis of the extensive literature and construction of a resource to help understand Florida’s karst and the processes that have created our landscape.
Sinkholes are one of the major focuses of this book because of their importance to understanding the geomorphology of the state and to the welfare and economy of Florida’s residents. The media commonly report on damaging sinkholes, and there is widespread fear or concern as a result. Florida has more limestone springs than any other state, and the springs are loved by all. At present, the springs are suffering from nutrient enrichment, loss of flow, and other problems. These, and many other issues, are addressed in this book. <...>