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New perspectives on the old red sandstone / Новые взгляды на древние красноцветы

Редактор(ы):Friend P.F., Williams B.P.J.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2000 г., 645 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-071-1
New perspectives on the old red sandstone / Новые взгляды на древние красноцветы

WILLIAMS, E. A., FRIEND, P. F. & WILLIAMS, B. P. J. A review of Devonian time scales: databases, construction and new data
HOUSE, M. R. Chronostratigraphic framework for the Devonian and Old Red Sandstone
FRIEND, P. F., WILLIAMS, B. P. J., FORD, M. & WILLIAMS, E. A. Kinematics and dynamics of Old Red Sandstone basins

GRIPPING, D. H., BRIDGE, J. S. & HOTTON, C. L. Coastal-fluvial palaeoenvironments and plant palaeoecology of the Lower Devonian (Emsian), Gaspe Bay, Quebec, Canada
BRIDGE, J. S. The geometry, flow patterns and sedimentary processes of Devonian rivers and coasts, New York and Pennsylvania, USA

MCSHERRY, M., PARNELL, J., LESLIE, A. G. & HAGGAN, T. Depositional and structural setting of the (?) Lower Old Red Sandstone sediments of Ballymastocker, Co. Donegal
BOYD, J. D. & SLOAN, R. J. Initiation and early development of the Dingle Basin, SW Ireland, in the context of the closure of the lapetus Ocean
RICHMOND, L. K. & WILLIAMS, B. P. J. A new terrane in the Old Red Sandstone of the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland
TODD, S. P. Taking the roof off a suture zone: basin setting and provenance of conglomerates in the ORS Dingle Basin of SW Ireland

VERMEULEN, N. J., SHANNON, P. M., MASSON, F. & LANDES, M. Wide-angle seismic control on the development of the Munster Basin, SW Ireland
WILLIAMS, E. A. Flexural cantilever models of extensional subsidence in the Munster Basin (SW Ireland) and Old Red Sandstone fluvial dispersal systems
WILLIAMS, E. A., SERGEEV, S. A., STOSSEL, L, FORD, M. & HIGGS, K. T. U-Pb zircon geochronology of silicic tuffs and chronostratigraphy of the earliest Old Red Sandstone in the Munster Basin, SW Ireland
PRACHT, M. Controls on magmatism in the Munster Basin, SW Ireland
HIGGS, K. T., MACCARTHY, I. A. J. & O'BRIEN, M. M. A mid-Frasnian marine incursion into the southern part of the Munster Basin: evidence from the Foilcoagh Bay Beds, Sherkin Formation, SW County Cork, Ireland
JARVIS, D. E. Palaeoenvironment of the plant bearing horizons of the Devonian-Carboniferous Kiltorcan Formation, Kiltorcan Hill, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

HILLIER, R. D. Silurian marginal marine sedimentation and the anatomy of the marine — Old Red Sandstone transition in Pembrokeshire, SW Wales
EDWARDS, D. & RICHARDSON, J. B. Progress in reconstructing vegetation on the Old Red Sandstone Continent: two Emphanisporites producers from the Lochkovian sequence of the Welsh Borderland
LOVE, S. E. & WILLIAMS, B. P. J. Sedimentology, cyclicity and floodplain architecture in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of SW Wales
OWEN, G. & HAWLEY, D. Depositional setting of the Lower Old Red Sandstone at Pantymaes Quarry, central South Wales: new perspectives on the significance and occurrence of 'Senni
Beds' facies
MARSHALL, J. D. Fault-bounded basin fill: fluvial response to tectonic controls in the Skrinkle Sandstones of SW Pembrokeshire, Wales

BLUCK, B. J. Old Red Sandstone basins and alluvial systems of Midland Scotland
POWELL, C. L., TREWIN, N. H. & EDWARDS, D. Palaeoecology and plant succession in a borehole through the Rhynie cherts, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Scotland
ARMSTRONG, H. A. & OWEN, A. W. Age and provenance of limestone clasts in Lower Old Red Sandstone conglomerates: implications for the geological history of the Midland Valley Terrane
MARSHALL, J. E. A. Devonian (Givetian) miospores from the Walls Group, Shetland
BALIN, D. F. Calcrete morphology and karst development in the Upper Old Red Sandstone at Milton Ness, Scotland

OSMUNDSEN, P. T., BAKKE, B., SVENDBY, A. K. & ANDERSEN, T. B. Architecture of the Middle Devonian Kvamshesten Group, western Norway: sedimentary response to deformation above a ramp-flat extensional fault
HARTZ, E. Early syndepositional tectonics of East Greenland's Old Red Sandstone basin
CLACK, J. A. & NEININGER, S. L. Fossils from the Celsius Bjerg Group, Late Devonian sequence, East Greenland; significance and sedimentological distribution
McCANN, A. J. Deformation of the Old Red Sandstone of NW Spitsbergen; links to the Ellesmerian and Caledonian orogenies
PIEPJOHN, K. The Svalbardian-Ellesmerian deformation of the Old Red Sandstone and the pre-Devonian basement in NW Spitsbergen (Svalbard)
PIEPJOHN, K., BRINKMANN, L., GREWING, A. & KERP, H. New data on the age of the uppermost ORS and the lowermost post-ORS strata in Dickson Land (Spitsbergen) and implications for the age of the Svalbardian deformation





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