Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Recent advances in lower carboniferous geology / Последние достижения в геологии нижнего карбона
Mineralization, hydrocarbons and diagenesis
JOHNSTON, J. D., COLLER, D., MILLAR, G. & CRITCHLEY, M. F. Basement structural controls on Carboniferous-hosted base metal mineral deposits in Ireland
SHEARLEY, E., REDMOND, P., KING, M. & GOODMAN, R. Geological controls on mineralization and dolomitization of the Lisheen Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
HOLLIS, C. & WALKDEN, G. The use of burial diagenetic calcite cements to determine the controls upon hydrocarbon emplacement and mineralization on a carbonate platform, Derbyshire, England
VEALE, C. & PARNELL, J. Metal-organic interactions in the Dinantian Solway Basin, UK: inferences for oil migration studies Carbonate buildups and Waulsortian mud-mounds
PICKARD, N. A. H. Evidence for microbial influence on the development of Lower Carboniferous buildups
AHR, W. M. & STANTON, R. J. JR. Constituent composition of Early Mississippian carbonate buildups and their level-bottom equivalents, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
KIRKBY, K. C. & HUNT, D. Episodic growth of a Waulsortian buildup: the Lower Carboniferous Muleshoe Mound, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA
JEFFERY, D. L. & STANTON, R. J. JR. Biotic gradients on a homoclinal ramp: the Alamogordo Member of the Lake Valley Formation, Lower Mississippian, New Mexico, USA
SOMERVILLE, I. D., STROGEN, P., JONES, G. LL. & SOMERVILLE, H. E. A. Late Vis6an buildups at Kingscourt, Ireland: possible precursors for Upper Carboniferous bioherms
RODRiGUEZ, S. Development of coral reef-facies during the Vis6an at Los Santos de Maimona, SW Spain Siliciclastic rocks
MORENO, C., SIERRA, S. & SAEZ, R. Evidence for catastrophism at the Famennian-Dinantian boundary in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
MAGUIRE, K., THOMPSON, J. & GOWLAND, S. Dinantian depositional environments along the northern margin of the Solway Basin
GRAHAM, J. R. Dinantian river systems and coastal zone sedimentation in northwest Ireland
Carbonate platforms and ramps
RIZZI, G. & BRAITHWAITE, C. J. R. Cyclic emersion surfaces and channels within Dinantian limestones hosting the giant Navan Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland
HORBURY, A. D. & ADAMS, A. E. Microfacies associations in Asbian carbonates: an example from the Urswick Limestone Formation of the southern Lake District, northern England
GALLAGHER, S. J. The stratigraphy and cyclicity of the late Dinantian platform carbonates in parts of southern and western Ireland
KELLY, J. G. Initiation, growth and decline of a tectonically controlled Asbian carbonate ramp: Cuilcagh Mountain area, NW Ireland
STROGEN, P., SOMERVILLE, I. D., PICKARD, N. A. H., JONES, G. LL. & FLEMING, M. Controls on ramp, platform and basinal sedimentation in the Dinantian of the Dublin Basin and Shannon Trough, Ireland
VANSTONE, S. The influence of climatic change on exposure surface development: a case study from the Late Dinantian of England and Wales Basinal facies
GURSKY, H.-J. Siliceous rocks of the Culm basin, Germany
BELKA, Z., SKOMPSKI, S. & SOBON-PODGORSKA, J. Reconstruction of a lost carbonate platform on the shelf of Fennosarmatia: evidence from Vis~an polymictic debrites, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
NAYLOR, D., SEVASTOPULO, G. D. & SLEEMAN, A. G. Contemporaneous erosion and reworking within the Dinantian of the South Munster Basin
REES, J. G., CORNWELL, J. D., DABEK, Z. K. & MERRIMAN, R. J. The Apedale Tufts, North Staffordshire: probable remnants of a late Asbian/Brigantian (Pla) Dinantian volcanic centre Faunas, floras and biostratigraphy
MAKHLINA, M. KH. Cyclic stratigraphy, facies and fauna of the Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) of the Moscow Syneclise and Voronezh Anteclise
RUKINA, G. A. Sequence biostratigraphy of the Tournaisian-Lower Vis~an rocks of the Russian Platform
JONES, G. LL. & SOMERVILLE, I. D. Irish Dinantian biostratigraphy: practical applications
LEBEDEV, O. A. Fish assemblages in the Tournaisian-Vis~an environments of the East European Platform
IVANOV, A. The Early Carboniferous chondrichthyans of the South Urals, Russia
HARPER, D. A. T. & JEFFREY, A. L. Mid-Dinantian brachiopod biofacies from western Ireland
SMITH, J. A palynofacies analysis of the Dinantian (Asbian) Glenade Sandstone Formation of the Leitrim Group, northwest Ireland