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Compositions of Chondrites / Составы хондритов
A compilation of data on 78 elements in the nine groups of chondrites shows each to be isochemical with the exception of a few volatiles. With the exception of the most volatile elements, the groups have solar abundances to within a factor of two. The solar abundances and the chemical and physical properties of phases in the least-altered chondrites indicate formation by grain agglomeration in the preplanetary nebula.
Planets formed by the gradual growth of bodies in the solar nebula. Because there is no evidence for the formation of non-chondritic bodies in the nebula, the simplest model calls for the bulk compositions of the terrestrial planets to be chondritic. Mercury is enriched in metal, perhaps either because of high loss of silicates due to enhanced radial drag in the innermost part of the nebula, or because of enhanced accretion of metallic cores from disrupted asteroids. Chondritic compositions should be considered as boundary conditions for planetary models. <...>