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Sea-level changes: An integrated approach / Изменение уровня моря: комплексный подход

Редактор(ы):Hastings B.S., Kendall C.G.S.C., Posamentier H., Ross C.A., Wagoner J.V., Wilgus C.K.
Издание:Society of Economic Geologists Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1988 г., 410 стр., ISBN: 9781565760899
Sea-level changes: An integrated approach / Изменение уровня моря: комплексный подход

In October 1985, SEPM sponsored a four-day conference entitled "Sea-Level Changes—An Integrated Approach." The conference was organized by Everest Geotech, Inc., and hosted by Transco Exploration Company in Houston, Texas. Co-conveners of the conference were Dr. Cheryl Wilgus of Everest Geotech, Inc., Dr. Walter C. Pitman of Lamont-Dougherty Oceanographic Institute, and Dr. Christopher G. St. C. Kendall of the University of South Carolina. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas on sea-level changes and to provide an opportunity for integrating various types of evidence in approaching unresolved issues. The conference was successful in bringing together scientists from industry, academia, and government, representing all of the major geoscience disciplines. Presentations of many new papers, plus significant releases of data that were previously held proprietary, provided fertile ground for discussion in the workshop environment of the conference. This volume represents the best of the material presented at the conference, plus some additional papers on sea-level changes that were subsequently released. The editors appreciate the patience of the authors in awaiting the publication of this volume, but we believe that the wait was more than justified by the quality and significance of the final product. If this publication even begins to generate the kinds of ideas, interdisciplinary discussions, and inquiries that arose during the SEPM conference, we will consider its purpose to be accomplished. <...>

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