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Guidelines for open pit slope design in weak rocks / Руководство по проектированию откосов карьеров в неустйчивых породах

Редактор(ы):Martin D., Stacey P.
Издание:CRC Press, 2018 г., 414 стр., ISBN: 9781486303472
Guidelines for open pit slope design in weak rocks / Руководство по проектированию откосов карьеров в неустйчивых породах

The Large Open Pit (LOP) project is an international research and technology transfer project focused on the stability of large slopes associated with open pit mines. It is an industry-sponsored and -funded project that was initiated in 2005 and managed by Dr John Read under the auspices of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The project was renewed in 2014 under the leadership of Dr Marc Ruest and the University of Queensland. The sponsors have comprised a diverse group of multinational mining companies and joint venture partners including: Anglo American plc; AngloGold Ashanti Limited; Barrick Gold Corporation; BHP Billiton Innovation Pty Limited and BHP Chile; Corporación Nacional de Cobre Del Chile (Codelco); De Beers Group Services (Pty); Debswana Diamond Co.; Newcrest Mining Limited; Newmont USA and Newmont Australia Limited; Ok Tedi Mining Limited; Rio Tinto Group; Teck Resources Limited; and Vale S.A. <...>

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