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The Geology of Egypt / Геология Египта

Редактор(ы):El-Barkooky A., El-Rahman Y.A., Frias J.M., Fritz H., Hamimi Z.
Издание:Springer, 2020 г., 725 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-15264-2
The Geology of Egypt / Геология Египта

The passion to understand the Geology of Egypt could be traced back to 1150 BC. In this year, the oldest geological map in the world was prepared to illustrate the geology of the Hammamat-Fawakhir area in the central part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. This beautifully colored papyrus map, which is preserved in the Egyptian Museum in Turin (Italy), describes the distribution of sedimentary and igneous, mostly granitic, rocks in black and red colors, respectively. The map shows also the siltstone and sandstone (Bekhen stone) quarry and the gold-bearing quartz veins and the settlements that are related to the gold exploitation from the igneous rocks at Bir Umm Fawakhir area.
In 1990 (A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam), Rushdi Said invited 40 scholars to participate in assembling the large amount of information that was accumulated since his earlier book on the Geology of Egypt, which was published by Elsevier in 1962. From 1990 to 2019, huge amount of data stemmed from advances in many techniques have been accumulated on diverse disciplines related to the geological evolution of Egypt. Thus, various ideas have been changed and many new models have been raised regarding our understanding of the geology of Egypt. In such circumstances, a new updated book on the Geology of Egypt becomes a must to integrate these new enormous data and to exhibit the revised thoughts and new models related to the geological evolution of Egypt. This is exactly the aim of our resurgent “Geology of Egypt” book, which presents the essence of data accumulated for almost 30 years since 1990 and their interpretation from the perspectives of the invited authors. <...>

ТематикаРегиональная геология
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