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Structural analysis of metamorphic tectonites / Структурный анализ метаморфических тектонитов
In 1930 Bruno Sander, in his now classic Gefiigekunde der Gesteine, presented a comprehensive account of the fabric of deformed rocks, new geometric methods for its analysis, and a broad philosophy for its kine¬ matic interpretation. Since then, and especially since the Second World War, Sander’s methods have been applied with varying degrees of success in attempts to elucidate the structure of metamorphic rocks in many countries. Outstandingly successful among such attempts are studies, still in progress, on the nature and geometry of repeated folding in the Highlands of Scotland. New possibilities have been opened in the United States by extensive programs of experimental deformation of rocks and minerals, stimulated initially by a committee of the National Science Foundation under the chairmanship of Mrs. E. B. Knopf. The time is now ripe to take stock anew of concepts and methods relating to the nature and significance of the structure or fabric of naturally deformed rocks and the procedures best suited to its analysis. This is the subject of this book. Following a general introduction it falls into three parts: the first describes the tectonite fabric and the methods devised for its analysis on all scales; the second provides a background of relevant stress- strain theory and experimental data; and the third part—necessarily tentative and especially open to subsequent revision—is concerned with the possible kinematic and dynamic interpretations to be placed upon the structural data <...>