Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Lacustrine petroleum source rocks / Озерные нефтематеринские породы

Редактор(ы):Fleet A.J., Kelts K., Talbot M.R.
Издание:Blackwell science Ltd, 1988 г., 392 стр., ISBN: 0-632-01803-8
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks / Озерные нефтематеринские породы

Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks is a collection of papers arising from a meeting held at the Geology Society, London, in September 1985. The meeting was organized by the IGCP Project 219, 'Comparative lacustrine sedimentology in space and time', and the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society.
Organic-rich lacustrine sediments, potential sources of oil and/or gas, represent a group of lacustrine sediments whose interpretation is not only intellectually challenging but whose subsurface prediction, in terms of location, nature and lateral variation, is economically important. The papers in this volume represent an attempt to bring together synthesized concepts, techniques and real examples in order to provide ideas for both interpretation and prediction. <...>

ТематикаГорючие полезные ископаемые, Историческая геология
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