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Glaciotectonism / Гляциотектоника

Автор(ы):Aber J.S., Ber A.
Издание:Elsevier, 2007 г., 256 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-52943-5
Glaciotectonism / Гляциотектоника

Glaciotectonism is an important component of modern glacial theory, but it gained widespread recognition only within the past 25 years. Glacial theory began to develop in the late 18th  and early 19th centuries in the Alps of western Europe and the mountains of southern Scandinavia. Horace-Bdn6dict de Saussure was among the earliest naturalists to undertake systematic observations of glaciers in the Mont Blanc vicinity beginning in the 1760s. He observed types of glaciers, ice flow, origin of moraines, and many other aspects of glaciers. Saussure introduced the terms roches moutonn6e, s6rac, and moraine into geological usage (Carozzi and Newman 1995). James Hutton was first to recognize in 1795 that erratic granite boulders in the Jura Mountains had been transported by glaciers from the Alps (Flint 1971). In Scandinavia, Jens Esmark concluded in 1824 that glaciers once had been much larger and thicker, and had covered much of Norway and the adjacent sea floor (Andersen 1992). He attributed erratics and moraines to glacial transportation and deposition. Esmark also recognized that glaciers were powerful agents of erosion that had carved out the Norwegian fjords (Cunningham 1990).  <...>

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