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Drilling mechanics. Advanced applications and technology / Механика бурения. Передовые методы применения и технологии

Автор(ы):Miska S.Z., Mitchell R.F., Ozbayoglu E.M.
Издание:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2022 г., 963 стр., ISBN: 978-1-259-64374-3
Drilling mechanics. Advanced applications and technology / Механика бурения. Передовые методы применения и технологии

The history of well drilling goes back for millennia. Oilwell drilling has, even to this day, been more a craft rather than an engineering science. An engineering approach to oilwell drilling first began to take hold at the end of World War II. Perhaps one indication was seven papers related to drilling and completion topics in the 1953 Transactions of the AIME, Petroleum  Development and Technology. While engineering analysis was slow to be accepted by the drilling community, several engineers convinced drillers the value of analysis by solving difficult problems, notably Arthur Lubinski. The technology of this era consisted of relatively simple but effective models of very complex phenomena, since most drilling engineers felt that any calculation that could not be summarized on one side of a 3 × 5 note card could not be useful. Today, using modern computers, it is hard to appreciate the difficulty of evaluating these simple formulas with pencil, paper, a slide rule, and tables of logarithms. Drilling was still a craft <...>

ТематикаГорючие полезные ископаемые, Бурение
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