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Fine-grained turbidite systems / Мелкозернистые турбидитовые системы
Fine-grained, mud-rich turbidite systems primarily occur in basins with a large fluvial input. Depositional models derived from sand-rich turbidite systems are not appropriate because the large volume of mud in fine-grained turbidite systems produces different sediment distribution patterns, geomorphic features, and internal architecture at bed-to-sequence scales. Many of the chapters in this volume demonstrate that understanding fine-grained turbidite systems requires a number of steps and degrees of resolution, very similar to the range of data utilized in the oil industry. Industrial examples include 2-D and 3-D seismic, cores, and well logs. To refine the understanding of a turbidite field, the earth scientist must integrate the most applicable models with subsurface data, outcrop analyses, modern analogs, and experimental results. <...>