Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Basin modelling: practice and progress / Бассейновое моделирование: практика и развитие
Waples, D. W. Basin modelling: how well have we done?
Giles, M. R., Indrelid, S. L. & James, D. M. D.: Compaction - the great unknown in basin modelling
Okui, A., Siebert, R. M. & Matsubayashi, H.: Simulation of oil expulsion by 1-D and 2-D basin modelling - saturation threshold and relative permeabilities of source rocks
Waples, D. W. & Couples, G. D.: Some thoughts on porosity reduction - rock mechanics, overpressure and fluid flow
Tokunaga, T., Hosoya, S., Tosaka, H. & Kojima, K.: An estimation of the intrinsic permeability of argillaceous rocks and the effects on long-term fluid migration
Darby, D., Haszeldine, R. S. & Couples, G. D.: Central North Sea overpressures: insights into fluid flow from one- and two-dimensional basin modelling
Throndsen, T. t~ Wangen, M.: A comparison between l-D, 2-D and 3-D basin simulations of compaction, water flow and temperature evolution
Archard, G., Stafford, J., Bardwell, K. & Bagge, M.: A review of techniques used to determine geological and thermal history in the Southern North Sea
Schegg, R. & Leu, W.: Analysis of erosion events and palaeogeothermal gradients in the North Alpine Foreland Basin of Switzerland
Hegre, J. A., Pittion, J. L., Herbin, J. E & Lopatin, N. V.: Geochemical modelling in an organicrich source rock: the Bazhenov Formation
Symington, W. A., Green, K. E., Huang, J., Poyrorf, R. J. & Summa, L. L.: A multidisciplinary approach to modelling secondary migration: a Central North Sea example
Ho, T. T. Y., Jensen, R. R, Sahai, S. K., Leadholm, R. H. & Senneseth, O.: Comparative studies of pre- and post-drilling modelled thermal conductivity and maturity data with post-drilling results: implications for basin modelling and hydrocarbon exploration
Thomsen, R. O.: Aspects of applied basin modelling: sensitivity analysis and scientific risk
Gallagher, K. & Morrow, D. W.: A novel approach for constraining heat flow histories in sedimentary basins