Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Rock mass grouting in Norwegian tunnelling / Цементирование горных пород при прокладке туннелей в Норвегии

Издание:Helli - Visuell Kommunikasjon, Oslo, 2011 г., 107 стр., ISBN: 978-82-92641-21-7
Rock mass grouting in Norwegian tunnelling / Цементирование горных пород при прокладке туннелей в Норвегии

In the field of rock grouting constant advances are being made in the development of equipment, methods and materials. One major improvement is the implementation of measures relating to health, safety and the environment (HSE) in grouting operations in tunnels and rock caverns.

This publication presents common, standard rock grouting practice in Norway today. The book provides guidelines for the practical execution of grouting in rock caverns, focusing primarily on equipment, materials and operations at the working face. There are brief descriptions of each of the operations involved in rock grouting.

Much of the advice in the book is most applicable to projects involving systematic grouting, but may also be helpful in connection with the project design phase or performance of grouting as deemed necessary according to the actual site conditions.

For the most part, this guide focuses on cement-based grout, but alternative grouting products and methods are also discussed. The aim of the book is to show that there are a number of ways of achieving a satisfactory result. Normally, there will be several underlying basic principles, and a technical/financial optimisation tailored to the individual project. <...>

ТематикаПодземные горные выработки
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