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Geology and metallogeny of copper deposits / Геология и металлогения месторождений меди

Редактор(ы):Friedrich G.H., Genkin A.D., Naldrett A.J., Ridge J.D., Sillitoe R.H., Vokes F.M.
Издание:Springer-Verlag, 1986 г., 601 стр., ISBN: 978-3-642-70904-3
Geology and metallogeny of copper deposits / Геология и металлогения месторождений меди

Copper belongs to those metals whose concentrations in nature arise from a broad diversity of endogeneous and exogeneous processes, which applies to essentially all genetic classes of ore deposits.

This is the first proceedings volume on copper metallogeny to cover the worldwide distribution of the four main groups of copper deposits, including in Part I: copper-nickel deposits with cobalt and platinum group elements; Part II: copper-molybdenum-gold deposits with silver, zinc, and lead; Part III/IV: copperzinc-lead deposits (with silver etc.).

On the occasion of the 27th International Geological Congress in Moscow, USSR, a symposium on copper metallogeny was held, dealing with metallogenesis and mineral deposits. The symposium was organized and sponsored by three international societies engaged in the field of ore deposits: The Society of Economic Geology (SEG), the Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) and the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD). Invited papers were presented in four sessions: (1) Copper deposits in mafic and ultramafic complexes, (2) Porphyry copper deposits, (3) Copper deposits of volcanic-hydrothermal association, and (4) Sediment-hosted copper deposits.

The sessions were chaired by A. D. Genkin, A. J. Naldrett, J. D. Ridge and G. I. Gorbunov; V.1. Sotnikov, A. Soregaroli, R. H. Sillitoe and V. A. Evstrakhin; F. M. Vokes, A.1. Krivtsov, M. Solomon and N. I. Eremin; G. H. Friedrich, Yu. V. Bogdanov, A.C. Brown and F.P. Krendelev.

We wish to express our thanks to the publisher for the work involved in maintaining the known Springer quality of composing and printing. Beside the authors' work, the expenditure of effort and time by numerous referees should be mentioned, who reviewed the manuscripts in detail, especially those from non-English speaking countries. They also proposed improvements to the English translations of foreign manuscripts. 

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