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Laboratory manual in physical geology / Пособие по лабораторным занятиям по общей геологии

Издание 11
Редактор(ы):Cronin V.S.
Издание:470 стр.
Laboratory manual in physical geology / Пособие по лабораторным занятиям по общей геологии

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology is produced under the auspices of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). For decades it has been the most widely adopted manual available for teaching laboratories in introductory geology and geoscience. This 11th edition is more user-friendly than ever, with an effective pedagogical format and many more teaching and learning options. It is supported by MasteringGeology—the most effective and widely used online homework, tutorial, and assessment platform in the Geosciences, including an eText version of the lab manual—as well as by GeoTools (ruler, protractor, UTM grids, sediment grain size scale, etc.), an Instructor Resource Manual, and many other online resources.
The idea for this jointly sponsored laboratory manual originated with Robert W. Ridky (past president of NAGT and member of the AGI Education Advisory Committee), who envisioned a manual made up of the “best laboratory investigations written by geology teachers.” To that end, this edition represents the cumulative ideas of more than 225 contributing authors, 31 years of evolution in geoscience and geoscience education, the comments of faculty peer reviewers and geoscience professionals, and important input from students and instructors who have used past editions <...>

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