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Seismic data interpretation using digital image processing / Интерпретация сейсмических данных с использованием цифровой обработки изображений

Автор(ы):Al-Dossary S.A., Al-Shuhail A.A., Mousa W.A.
Издание:Wiley, 2017 г., 219 стр., ISBN: 9781118881781
Seismic data interpretation using digital image processing / Интерпретация сейсмических данных с использованием цифровой обработки изображений

Human beings are experts at pattern recognition. We are well equipped to find a missing set of keys in a cluttered drawer, to find a family member in a crowd, to find the image of a cow in the clouds, or to find a mythological character in a constellation of stars. Such pattern recognition is key to seismic data analysis, where a human interpreter identifies and integrates the amplitude, spectral content, waveform, and geometric configuration of the seismic response to the underlying geology with an appropriate tectonic, depositional, or diagenetic model. For a seasoned interpreter, much of this pattern recognition is done subconsciously, requiring little conscious thought, much like pedaling and maintaining your balance on a bicycle. However, advances in seismic acquisition and processing technology are increasing more rapidly than the number of seismic interpreters. Some modern seismic surveys may be 100 Gbytes in size, while merged surveys may be larger still. It has become increasingly intractable for an interpreter to examine each and every seismic voxel <...>

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