Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Quantitative geology and geostatistics. Volume 10. geoENV II – Geostatistics for environmental applications / Количественная геология и геостатистика. Том 10. geoENV II – Геостатистика для применения в окружающей среде

Редактор(ы):Froidevaux R., Gomez-Hernandex J., Soares A.
Издание:Springer, 1999 г., 566 стр., ISBN: 978-90-481-5249-0
Quantitative geology and geostatistics. Volume 10. geoENV II – Geostatistics for environmental applications / Количественная геология и геостатистика. Том 10. geoENV II – Геостатистика для применения в окружающей среде

The Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications took place in Valencia, November 18-20, 1998. Two years have past from the first meeting in Lisbon and the geostatistical community has kept active in the environmental field. In these days of congress inflation, we feel that continuity can only be achieved by ensuring quality in the papers. For this reason, all papers in the book have been reviewed by, at least, two referees, and care has been taken to ensure that the reviewer comments have been incorporated in the final version of the manuscript. We are thankful to the members of the scientific committee for their timely review of the scripts. All in all, there are three keynote papers from experts in soil science, climatology and ecology and 43 contributed papers providing a good indication of the status of geostatistics as applied in the environmental field all over the world. We feel now confident that the geoENV conference series, seeded around a coffee table almost six years ago, will march firmly into the next century. <...>

A review of linear geostatistics for fisheries survey design and stock assessment PETITGAS, P.

Representation of conditional random distributions as a problem of "spatial" interpolation VON STORCH, H.

Sampling, estimating and understanding soil pollution WEBSTER, R.


Spatial analysis of particulate matter in an urban environment CRESSIE, N., KAISER, M. S., DANIELS, M. J., ALDWORTH, J., LEE, J., LAHIRI, S. N. AND Cox, L. H.

Space-time geostatistical modelling: a case study of sea-salt measured on lichens FIGUEIRA, R., SOUSA, A. J., PACHECO, A. M. G. AND CATARINO, F.

Spatial prediction of sulfur dioxide in the eastern United States HOLLAND, D. M., SALTZMAN, N., Cox, L. H. AND NYCHKA, D.

Spatial interpolation of ozone exposure in Norway from space-time data HpST, G. AND FOLLESTAD, T.

Stochastic modelling of spatiotemporal distributions: application to sulphate deposition trends over Europe KYRIAKIDIS, P.C. AND JOURNEL, A.G.

Sampling multiphase noise exposure time series LAJAUNIE, C., WACKERNAGEL, H. THIERY, L. AND GRZEBYK, M.

Evaluation of environmental costs of S02 emissions using stochastic images NUNES, C., SOARES, A. AND FERREIRA, F.

The Larsen model from a De Wijsian perspective WACKERNAGEL, H., THIERY, L. AND GRZEBYK, M.


Geostatistical segmentation of rainfall data ALLARD, D. AND MONESTIEZ, P.

Downscaling of precipitation combining kriging and empirical orthogonal function analysis BIAU,G.

Kriging with categorical external drift: use of thematic maps in spatial prediction and application to local climate interpolation for agriculture MONESTIEZ, P., ALLARD, D., NAVARRO SANCHEZ, I. AND COURAUL T, D.

Modelling of non-stationary spatial structure by parametric radial basis deformations PERRIN, O. AND MONESTIEZ, P.

A maximum likelihood estimator for semi-variogram parameters in kriging TODINI, E. AND PELLEGRINI, F.


A geostatistical analysis of the spatial distribution and abundance of cod, haddock and whiting in North Scotland FERNANDES, P. G. AND RIVOIRARD, J.

Geostatistical data versus point process data: analysis of second-order characteristics MATEU, J. AND RIBEIRO JR., P. J.

ТематикаГеоинформационные системы, Геостатистика
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