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Fundamentals of geostatistics in five lessons / Основы геостатистики в пяти уроках

Автор(ы):Journel A.G.
Издание:American Geophysical Union, Washington, 1989 г., 56 стр., ISBN: 0-87590-708-3
Fundamentals of geostatistics in five lessons / Основы геостатистики в пяти уроках

From its inception as a separate discipline, geostatis tics sought recognition from practitioners, not from math ematicians or physicists. and rightfully so. Indeed, the theory was essentially established by the 1950's by Kol mogorov and Wiener and exposed by Matern (1960), Whit tle (1963), and Matheron (1965), among others. But there is a long, hard way between a concept expressed by matrix notations in a Hilbert space and its implementation and routine application. It is my opinion that the main con tribution of geostatistics has been and still is implementa. tion, an essential follow-up step much too often forsaken by theoreticians. <...>

ТематикаГеоинформационные системы, Геостатистика
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