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Glacimarine Environments: Processes and Sediments / Ледниково-морские среды: процессы и отложения

Редактор(ы):Dowdeswell J.A., Scourse J.D.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1990 г., 423 стр., ISBN: 0-903317-54-0
Glacimarine Environments: Processes and Sediments / Ледниково-морские среды: процессы и отложения

Convincing interpretations of many ancient glacimarine sequences depend on studies of analogous processes active in modern glacimarine environments. Studies of both ancient glacimarine sequences and modern glacimarine environments have increased in recent years. The time therefore seemed ripe to hold a meeting to bring workers on the contemporary and ancient record together, and so the meeting which generated this volume was conceived. The two-day meeting, organized on behalf of the Marine Studies Group of the Geological Society of London, in conjunction with the International Glaciological Society, and promoted under the aegis of IGCP Project 260, was held in March 1989 at Burlington House in Piccadilly, the London home of the Geological Society. Many of the papers presented at the meeting are contained within this volume <...>

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