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Encyclopedia of Earth and space science / Энциклопедия наук о Земле и космосе

Автор(ы):Kusky T.M.
Издание:Facts On File. Inc, 2010 г., 916 стр., ISBN: 978-0-8160-7005-3
Encyclopedia of Earth and space science / Энциклопедия наук о Земле и космосе

Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Science is a twovolume reference intended to complement the material typically taught in high school Earth science and astronomy classes, and in introductory college geology, atmospheric sciences, and astrophysics courses. The substance reflects the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie the content standards for Earth and space science identified by the National Committee on science Education standards and Assessment of the National Research Council for grades 9–12. Within the category of Earth and space science, these include energy in the Earth system, geochemical cycles, origin and evolution of the Earth system, and origin and evolution of the universe. The National science Education standards (NsEs) also place importance on student awareness of the nature of science and the process by which modern scientists gather information. To assist educators in achieving this goal, other subject matter discusses concepts that unify the Earth and space sciences with physical science and life science: science as inquiry, technology and other applications of scientific advances, science in personal and social perspectives including topics such as natural hazards and global challenges, and the history and nature of science. A listing of entry
topics organized by the relevant NsEs Content standards and an extensive index will assist educators, students, and other readers in locating information or examples of topics that fulfill a particular aspect of their curriculum <...>

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