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Introduction to disjunctive kriging and nonlinear geostatistics / Введение в дизъюнктивный кригинг и нелинейную геостатистику

Автор(ы):Rivoirard J.
Издание:ENSMP, 1990 г., 97 стр.
Introduction to disjunctive kriging and nonlinear geostatistics / Введение в дизъюнктивный кригинг и нелинейную геостатистику

The discipline which is now known as geostatistics began to develope over thirty years ago for mining evaluation and since has extended to other fields of activity. Around 1960 in particular, G. Matheron built linear geostatistics. Some of its tools (variogram, kriging) are widely used nowadays. Linear geostatistics makes it possible for instance to evaluate the metal content of a mining block or panel by estimating the mean of the grades of the points in it from samples. The reader of this book is supposed to be familiar with linear geostatistics. <...>

ТематикаГеостатистика, Геоинформатика, Математические методы
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