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Advanced resource estimation / Продвинутая оценка ресурсов

Издание:Snowden Mining Industry Consultants, 2013 г., 115 стр.
Advanced resource estimation / Продвинутая оценка ресурсов

This manual provides a reference for geologists and engineers attending Snowden’s Advanced Resource Estimation course. The purpose of this course is to skill geologists and mining engineers with the tools to carry out advanced resource estimation techniques.
The manual assumes the reader is from a mining environment, is attending Snowden’s Advanced Resource Estimation course, and is working through the course activities and participating in the discussions.
The approach here has an emphasis on learning practical applications of geostatistics in the mining environment. Readers can discover more theoretical support to the concepts and discussions regarding geostatistical theory in Journel and Huijbreghts (1979) and Isaaks and Srivastava (1981). Additional reading material is referenced in Section 10. <...>

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