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Studio 3. Precision Settings User Guide / Studio 3. Руководство пользователя по настройке точности

Издание:CAE Mining Corporate Limited, 14 стр.
Studio 3. Precision Settings User Guide / Studio 3. Руководство пользователя по настройке точности

Studio 2 and Studio 3 use the concept of ‘precision’ to determine the resolution of data held within the underlying Datamine format files associated with data objects. This resolution comes in one of two forms: single or extended.
Single precision (SP) files are of a lower resolution than extended precision files. This means that whereas they are generally smaller in size than an equivalent EP version, the reduction in precision means that they are not as exact, from a numerical accuracy perspective.
However, this may or may not be an implication for the data files you are using. Extended precision (EP) files (sometimes referred to as ‘double precision’ files), introduced in Datamine Studio version 2.1, provide a higher level of accuracy than their single precision equivalents, but are also associated with larger file sizes. Again, this may or may not have an adverse affect on your operations in Datamine Studio products. <...>

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