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Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology. Volume 2. Paleoecology / Трактат по морской экологии и палеоэкологии. Том 2. Палеоэкология

Редактор(ы):Ladd H.S.
Издание:744 стр.
Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology. Volume 2. Paleoecology / Трактат по морской экологии и палеоэкологии. Том 2. Палеоэкология

The late Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan, who had long been interested in marine ecology and paleoecology, in 1940 planned and organized a Subcommittee on the Ecology of Marine Organisms as a part of the Committee on Geologic Research (Norman L. Bowen, Chairman) in the Division of Geology and Geography of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. The members of this Subcommittee were: C. H. Edmondson, Remington Kellogg, Harry S. Ladd (Chairman), Kenneth E. Lohman, Roger Revelle, F. W. Rolshausen, H. C. Stetson, T. Wayland Vaughan. The first annual report, which attempted to summarize current activities in marine ecology and paleoecology, was issued in 1941. In this report the possibility of preparing an ecological treatise was mentioned. In 1942 the Subcommittee was made a full Committee and its title was changed to Committee on Marine Ecology As Related to Paleontology to emphasize the paleontological nature of its interests With the encouragement and assistance of Walter H. Bucher, Chairman of the Division of Geology and Geography, the Committee in its second report, issued at the close of 1942, briefly listed its aims. There were six of these, the last of which read: "Possibly, at a later date, to prepare a special treatise on ecology that would stress geological interpretation." World War II greatly curtailed most activities in marine ecology and also curtailed the activities of the Committee. Serious consideration was given to the possibility of recessing the work, but the members felt that it might be difficult to revive the program if work was stopped. Interest in the Treatise continued at a low level until the war was over, but in 1946 in its sixth annual report the Committee published a tentative outline for the Treatise and invited criticism. In this same year Kenneth E. Lohman was made Vice-Chairman of the Committee <...>

ТематикаИсторическая геология, Экология
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