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Monograph 29. Mineral Economics: Australian and Global Perspectives / Монография 29. Экономика полезных ископаемых: австралийские и глобальные перспективы

Автор(ы):Maxwell P.
Издание:The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2013 г., 306 стр., ISBN: 9781921522864
Monograph 29. Mineral Economics: Australian and Global Perspectives / Монография 29. Экономика полезных ископаемых: австралийские и глобальные перспективы

This monograph provides a useful review of economic, financial and policy issues affecting the minerals industry and has proven extremely popular with students, practitioners and industry advisors. This second edition is timely given the continued high demand and interest for minerals professionals wishing to keep abreast of current thinking on this subject
The volume is set out in five main sections: Minerals and the World Economy Minerals - Consumption, Production and Markets Mineral Finance and Investment Minerals and Public Policy Mining and Local Communities

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