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Cities and geology / Города и геология

Автор(ы):Legget R.F.
Издание:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973 г., 627 стр., ISBN: 0-07-037062-1
Cities and geology / Города и геология

The purpose of this book is to show how essential is geology in the planning and development of cities. Town and country planning is now accepted throughout the world as a vital public service, in place of the unorganized and uncontrolled use of land in earlier days. All such planning involves the optimum use of land so that the physical development of cities and regions may best meet the needs of people. The proper use of land—for buildings, for roads, for parks—can be achieved only if the nature of the ground and subsurface conditions is known with certainty. Since the science of geology is concerned with all aspects of the crust of the earth, the use of geological information, and of geological methods to obtain new information about local subsurface conditions, should therefore be an essential part of the physical planning of all cities. <...>

ТематикаИнженерная геология
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