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Phase diagrams for geoscientists / Фазовые диаграммы в науках о земле

Автор(ы):Gasparik T.
Издание:Springer, 2014 г., 466 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4614-5775-6
Phase diagrams for geoscientists / Фазовые диаграммы в науках о земле

This book summarizes the results of the experimental studies of phase relations in the chemical systems relevant to Earth, carried out by the author in a time period of over 20 years between 1979 and 2001. It is based on 1,000 pistoncylinder experiments at pressures up to 4 GPa and close to 700 experiments carried out with a multi-anvil apparatus at pressures up to 24 GPa. The emphasis in these studies was on internal consistency. Large sets of data were produced using the same sample assembly, high-pressure apparatus, experimental procedures and calibrations by the same experimentalist to maximize the internal consistency. The results were published in 70 peer-reviewed articles listed at the end of the book. These are referenced only by the corresponding number, while the full reference is given for all other sources. <...>

ТематикаПетрология, Физхимия
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